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Blog Post 4: Activity Oriented Design Method

AODM’s 8 STEP MODEL by Mwanza (2002)

The Eight Step model
Identify the:-
Question to ask
Step 1
Activity of interest
What sort of activity am I interested in?
Step 2
Why is the activity taking place?
Step 3
Who is involved in carrying out this activity?
Step 4
By what means are the subjects performing this activity?
Step 5
Rules & Regulations
Are there any cultural norms, rules or regulations governing the performance of this activity?
Division of labour
Who is responsible for what when carrying out this activity and how are the rules organized?
Step 7
What is the environment in which activity is carried out?
What is the desired outcome from carrying out this activity?

Step 1: What sort of activity am I interested in?
I am interested in the creation of a blog and the interaction of fellow student in the discussion of topic within my blog.

Step 2: Why is the activity taking place?
To create an interactive platform where collaboration can take place.

Step 3: Who is involved in carrying out this activity?
The teacher, parents and learners

Step 4: By what means are the subjects performing this activity:
By using a technological device (eg. Computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet) to type out an e-mail to send to the blog.

Step 5: Are there any cultural norms, rules or regulations governing the performance of this activity?
Give clear rules and instructions for usage of the blog. Eg. Inappropriate posts will be deleted etc. 

Step 6: Who is responsible for what when carrying out this activity and how are the rules organized?
Teacher are responsible to create the blog. Students are responsible to reply to the topics posted by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the teacher. Teacher moderates blog.

Step 7: What is the environment in which activity is carried out?
Online Learning community in the Lockdown environment due to CoVID-19

Step 8: What is the desired outcome from carrying out this activity?
The desired outcome will be to have a blog that is shared between the teacher and the learner, with the latter having a more restricted roll in this environment.


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Adapted from Mwanza-Simwami D.(2011), AODM as a framework and model for characterising learner experiences with technology, Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, English Edition, v.7, n.3, 78.  

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